Go to JV Luxury download area, where you can see multiple files available for your site development.
If you are setting up a new site, the Quick-Start package is the way to go. The Quickstart package includes everything you need to get your matching the look of your demo ( Joomla CMS, JV Luxury template, JV Framework, extension )
If you already have a site and don’t want to replace it, or you only want the template without extensions and styling, download JV Luxury package ( includes JV Framework, JV Luxury template, and extensions).
1. Installation with Quick-start version
After downloading the Quickstart package. Please view Quickstart Installation Details below
2. Installation with template/theme version
Once you get JV Luxury package downloaded, make sure to extract the package to get the separate zip files : JV Framework, JV Luxury Template. Then you install JV Framework & JV Luxury template
To install JV Framework, log in to the administrative area of your site to upload and install JV Framework through Extension Manager
Installing JV Luxury templae
Using upload theme:
- Rename your installation file and remove the number at the end, leaving only the theme’s name.
- From back end, access JV Framework from component menu.
- Inside JV Framework theme manager page, click on the upload theme button.
- Type the path to your file into the blank field or click on browse to find the theme manually.
- Click on install to finish uploading the new theme.
Theme manager with JV Luxury:
Theme upload lightbox:
Installing manually:
- Extract the theme’s zip file.
- Copy the resulting folder to <templates\jv-framework\themes> within your site’s source folder.
- Return to JV Framework’s theme manager in your site’s back end and check your theme list.
Managing JV Luxury
The main difference between themes when using JV Framework is the position layout. The following image will show the default layout of JV Luxury:
For the basic functions of JV Framework, please refer to JV Framework User guides
If you used the Quick-start version of JV Luxury template, the following extensions will be included. For a JV Luxury theme user, you would have to download and install these extensions manually:
1. JV Slidershow (module)
To replicate the Demo site, replicate this module and name the duplication ‘slide’ with the class suffix ‘-slide’. Assign the original module to the position ‘Slide’ on all pages and the duplication to the position ‘user16’ on Home page.
Prepare the folders where you store the images you wanted to use. If you wanted to display thumbnails for your slides, create a “thumbnails” folder within each image folders and store the resized images you want to use as thumbnails there.
- Within your site back end, go to Module Manager and click on the module’s name.
- Inside Module mod, set the location to your image folders, select your source and set the parameters.
- Set the module to published/enable and select the pages where you want to display it.
- Save the setting and click on view site (Joomla! 1.7) or preview (Joomla! 1.5) to see the result.
For the parameters’ effects, please read the JV Slideshow User Guide
‘JV Slideshow’ module:
‘Slide’ module
2. JV Login
To replicate the Demo site, this module should be assigned to the position ‘Top1’ on all pages
To use JV login, log into your site’s backend and open up Module Manager, then click on the module’s name.
Set the template to ‘quick’ on the module included in the quick-start version, or ‘pop up’ on the separated download version.
For more detail about the module’s parameter, please read JV Login User guide.
After saving your setting, click on view site (Joomla! 1.7) or preview (Joomla! 1.5) to see the result.
3. JV Translate
On the Demo site, JV Translate was disable and thus It wasn't displayed. It was a part of the quick-start package however, and was assigned to the ‘language’ position and set to show on all pages.
Setting up JV Translate is fairly simple. For more detail, please refer to the JV Translate User guide
4. JV contact
To replicate the Demo site:
- Install both the Component and the Module parts of JV Contact.
- Afterward, duplicate the module, change the original one’s name to ‘Map’ and the duplicate to ‘Get in touch’ with a ‘–gettouch’ class suffix.
- Assign ‘Map’ and ‘Get in touch’ to the positions ‘map’ and ‘user9’ respectively, with both set to be displayed on all pages.
- Create an article named ‘interactive map’ with the html code
<div class=”interactive-map”></div>
- Upload an image you want to symbolize the interactive map to your server
- -Create a custom html module named ‘interactive map’ contains the following html code:
<p><a href=”index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=<article id>&Itemid=152” target=”_self”><img src=<”image link”> border=”0” alt=”map” /></a></p>
Click Here to view an interactive map of the exclusive vacation destinations and small luxury hotels that JV Hotel has to offer.
With: <article id> = the id of the ‘Interactive map’ article and <”image link”> = the path to the image you uploaded.
- Assign the ‘interactive map’ module to the ‘right’ position on all pages.
- In the component, set the contact and fields according to these screenshots:
Contact fields
- In the ‘Map’ module, set ‘Google map’ as the layout
- In the ‘Get in touch’ module, set ‘Form contact’ as the layout
For more detail about JV Contact, please read the JV Contact Userguide.