JV Framework 3.0

Finally, we proudly present to you the test version of the upcoming major upgrade for our Framework: JV Framework 3.0 Alpha 1.
Flexible, customizable, high performance and developer-friendly. JV Framework 3.0 is a steep improvement over our old Framework.
While dropping some functions like drag and drop, it had gained several new ones, more up-to-date features like a Grid layout control, a Responsive Design and a modular nature, allowing developers to improve or create new features with ease.

JV Framework is a powerful framework that Joomlavi uses as the foundation for all of its Joomla designs, and it is totally free, open source, released under the GPL license. 

JV Framework 3.0


Type : Joomla Template
Current Version : 3.0.9
Available : 2.5 3.x
Created : 21 Aug, 2012
Changelog : Views
(10 votes)

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ABOUT JV Framework 3.0

responsive framework


Your Website wiewable on Any Device! Templates built on JV Framework 3.0 will feature a responsive layout that adapt itself to all device resolutions like mobiles, tablets and desktops.

Right to left language layout

JV Framework 3.0 supports Right To Left Language Layout support. Flip everything easily with JV Framework. 

support RTL layout
responsive grid layout framework

Gird layout

JV Framework supports grid layout system which helps you control column width easily. Moreover this helps you build a unique layout by an easy way.

SEO optimized

Using a framework that is SEO friendly is the foundation for a successful SEO campaign. JV Framework 3.0 is developed and focused on SEO optimization. Friendly codes will drive more visitors to your site.

seo friendly framework
performance optimized framework

Performance optimization

 JV Framework 3.0 - a complete performance optimization framework. It is designed to enhance your page loading speed.

Brower compatibility

Template running on JV Framework 3.0 is fully compatible with most major browsers : IE8+, Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Opera...

browsers supported
html5, css3 responsive frameworl


 Beside the standard HTML and CSS, we also provide support for the newer HTML5 & CSS3 to take full advantage of modern web technologies.

Fast and lightweight

 Our templates offer several options to optimize your site's loading time like compression, minification and flexible image, etc.

fast and lightweight framework


 JV Framework supports develop tool - Icomoon font icon library which provides a plenty of optimized icons