/* Script: JVLazyLoad - Lazy loading. License: Proprietary - JoomlaVi Club members only Copyright: Copyright (C) JoomlaVi. All rights reserved. */ var JVLazyLoad = new Class({ options: { replacer: 'templates/jv-framework/themes/default/images/trans.gif', selectors: 'img', duration: 750 }, initialize: function(options){ this.setOptions(options); this.selectors = $$(this.options.selectors); if(!this.selectors.length){ this.selectors = $$(this.options.selectors); } this.selectors.each(function(selector){ selector.osrc = selector.src; selector.src = this.options.replacer; }.bind(this)); window.addEvent('scroll', this.initLoad.bind(this)); this.initLoad(); }, initLoad: function(){ var that = this; this.selectors.each(function(selector){ if(selector.getCoordinates().top < window.getHeight() + window.getScrollTop()){ if(!selector.loaded){ selector.loaded = true; new Asset.image(selector.osrc, { onload: function(){ selector.src = selector.osrc; new Fx.Styles(selector, {duration: that.options.duration}).set({opacity: 0}).start({opacity: 1}); } }); } } }); } }); JVLazyLoad.implement(new Options); /* Script: JVSmoothScroll - Scroll window effects. License: Proprietary - JoomlaVi Club members only Copyright: Copyright (C) JoomlaVi. All rights reserved. */ var JVSmoothScroll = function(links){ new SmoothScroll({links: links}); }; /* Script: JVEqualHeight - Equal elements height. License: Proprietary - JoomlaVi Club members only Copyright: Copyright (C) JoomlaVi. All rights reserved. */ var JVEqualHeight = function(selectors){ var maxHeight = 0; $$(selectors).each(function(selector){ maxHeight = Math.max(maxHeight, selector.getCoordinates().height); }); $$(selectors).each(function(selector){ selector.setStyle(window.ie6 ? 'height' : 'min-height', maxHeight); }); }; /* Script: JVEffects - JV Effects such as background color. License: Proprietary - JoomlaVi Club members only Copyright: Copyright (C) JoomlaVi. All rights reserved. */ var JVEffects = new Class({ options:{ fxDuration: 350, fxTransition: Fx.Transitions.linear, wait: false }, initialize: function(selectors, fxPropertiesFrom, fxPropertiesTo, options){ this.setOptions(options); $$(selectors).each(function(selector, index){ var selectorFx = new Fx.Styles(selector, this.options); selector.addEvents({ 'mouseenter': function(){ selectorFx.stop().start(fxPropertiesFrom); }, 'mouseleave': function(){ selectorFx.stop().start(fxPropertiesTo); } }); }); } }); JVEffects.implement(new Options); /* Script: ScrollWindow - Scroll any element with an overflow, including the window element/ License: MIT-style license. Copyright: Copyright (C) JoomlaVi. All rights reserved. */ ScrollWindow = Fx.Base.extend({ options: { overflown: [], offset: {'x': 0, 'y': 0}, wheelStops: true }, initialize: function(element, options){ this.now = []; this.element = $(element); this.bound = {'stop': this.stop.bind(this, false)}; this.parent(options); if (this.options.wheelStops){ this.addEvent('onStart', function(){ document.addEvent('mousewheel', this.bound.stop); }.bind(this)); this.addEvent('onComplete', function(){ document.removeEvent('mousewheel', this.bound.stop); }.bind(this)); } }, setNow: function(){ for (var i = 0; i < 2; i++) this.now[i] = this.compute(this.from[i], this.to[i]); }, /* Property: scrollTo Scrolls the chosen element to the x/y coordinates. Arguments: x - the x coordinate to scroll the element to y - the y coordinate to scroll the element to */ scrollTo: function(x, y){ if (this.timer && this.options.wait) return this; var el = this.element.getSize(); var values = {'x': x, 'y': y}; for (var z in el.size){ var max = el.scrollSize[z] - el.size[z]; if ($chk(values[z])) values[z] = ($type(values[z]) == 'number') ? values[z].limit(0, max) : max; else values[z] = el.scroll[z]; values[z] += this.options.offset[z]; } return this.start([el.scroll.x, el.scroll.y], [values.x, values.y]); }, /* Property: toTop Scrolls the chosen element to its maximum top. */ toTop: function(){ return this.scrollTo(false, 0); }, /* Property: toBottom Scrolls the chosen element to its maximum bottom. */ toBottom: function(){ return this.scrollTo(false, 'full'); }, /* Property: toLeft Scrolls the chosen element to its maximum left. */ toLeft: function(){ return this.scrollTo(0, false); }, /* Property: toRight Scrolls the chosen element to its maximum right. */ toRight: function(){ return this.scrollTo('full', false); }, /* Property: toElement Scrolls the specified element to the position the passed in element is found. Arguments: el - the $(element) to scroll the window to */ toElement: function(el){ var parent = this.element.getPosition(this.options.overflown); var target = $(el).getPosition(this.options.overflown); return this.scrollTo(target.x - parent.x, target.y - parent.y); }, increase: function(){ this.element.scrollTo(this.now[0], this.now[1]); } }); //ScrollWindow.implement(new Options); /* Script: JVTop - Scroll to top effect. License: Proprietary - JoomlaVi Club members only Copyright: Copyright (C) JoomlaVi. All rights reserved. */ var JVTop = new Class({ options:{ fxDuration: 350, fxTransition: Fx.Transitions.linear, wait: false }, initialize: function(options){ this.setOptions(options); var topElement = new Element('div', { 'id': 'toTop' }).setHTML('').inject(document.body); topElement.addEvent('click', function(){ new ScrollWindow(window).toTop(); }); var topFx = new Fx.Styles(topElement, this.options).set({'opacity': 0}); window.addEvent('scroll', function(){ if(window.getScrollTop() != 0){ topFx.start({'opacity': 1}); } else{ topFx.start({'opacity': 0}); } }); } }); JVTop.implement(new Options); /* Script: JVUserTools - User Tools. License: Proprietary - JoomlaVi Club members only Copyright: Copyright (C) JoomlaVi. All rights reserved. */ var JVUserTools = new Class({ initialize: function(options){ var userPanel = $('userpanel'); var userPanels = $('userpanels'); if(!userPanel) return; var userPanelCoord = userPanel.getCoordinates(); var isShowed = false, offsetW = 3; var isRTL = $$('body')[0].hasClass('rtl'); if(isRTL){ var userPanelFx = new Fx.Styles(userPanels).set({'left': -userPanelCoord.width - offsetW}); } else{ var userPanelFx = new Fx.Styles(userPanels).set({'right': -userPanelCoord.width - offsetW}); } $('toggle').addEvent('click', function(e){ e = new Event(e).stop(); isShowed = !isShowed; if(isRTL){ userPanelFx.start({'left': isShowed ? 0 : -userPanelCoord.width - offsetW}); } else{ userPanelFx.start({'right': isShowed ? 0 : -userPanelCoord.width - offsetW}); } }); var labels = userPanel.getElements('.layouttype .list label'); var label2 = userPanel.getElements('.temp_color .list label'); labels.each(function(labelTag){ labelTag.addEvent('click', function(){ labels.removeClass('active'); this.addClass('active'); this.getPrevious().checked = true; }); }); label2.each(function(labelTag){ labelTag.addEvent('click', function(){ label2.removeClass('active'); this.addClass('active'); this.getPrevious().checked = true; }); }); var resetBtn = userPanel.getElement('input[type=reset]'); var applyBtn = userPanel.getElement('input[type=submit]'); if(resetBtn){ resetBtn.addEvent('click', function(){ for(var i = 0; i < userPanel.length; i++) { if(userPanel[i].checked && userPanel[i].type == 'radio' || userPanel[i].type != 'radio'){ if(userPanel[i].value != 'Apply' && userPanel[i].value != 'Reset'){ Cookie.remove(userPanel[i].name); } } } window.location = window.location; }); } if(applyBtn){ applyBtn.addEvent('click', function(){ for(var i = 0; i < userPanel.length; i++) { if(userPanel[i].checked && userPanel[i].type == 'radio' || userPanel[i].type != 'radio'){ if(userPanel[i].value != 'Apply' && userPanel[i].value != 'Reset'){ Cookie.set(userPanel[i].name,userPanel[i].value); } } } window.location = window.location; }); } }, changeVersion: function(theme,version){ Cookie.set(theme+'_version',version); window.location = window.location; }, showSearch: function(itemid){ var search = $('mobileSearch'); var display = search.getStyle('display'); search.setStyle('display', display == 'block' ? 'none' : 'block'); } }); var JVUserTools; window.addEvent('domready',function(){ JVUserTools = new JVUserTools(); new JVSmoothScroll(); }); function gotourl(url){ window.location.href= url; }