JV Facelinker


JV Facelinker files:

File nameTypeDateVersion
Mod JV Facelinker 17 module 22-05-2011
Mod JV Facelinker 15 module 22-05-2011
0 selected files

As the website administrator, from back end page you can set many display options for this module:
- Live box option:
*    Set url of your facebook page, set link connect to at facelinker icon,
*    Set the like box ’s size  (width, height), and set the like box position,
*    Set your slide’s type or none,
*    Choose number of fan will be shown,
*    Show or hide stream,
*    Show or hide header, border.
- Live stream option:
*    Set your facebook app ID or Api key which you were received from facebook when you registered,
*    Set the like stream ’s size  (width, height), and set the like stream position,
*    Set your slide’s type or none,
*    Set XID if you have multiple live stream boxes on the same page,
*    Choose to always post to you facebook’s friends or no,
*    Set link connect to at facelinker icon,
*    Show or hide border.
JV Facelinker is very useful and we hope that it can helps you in your purpose!
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