(function($){ $.random = function (MinV, MaxV) { return MinV + Math.floor((MaxV - MinV + 1) * (Math.random() % 1)); } var prefixes = [ "Moz", "Webkit", "O", "Ms" ],prefix, div = $( "
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',{'class': 'jvsl3-pnBtnNext'}).append(btnNext), pnBtnPrev = $('
',{'class': 'jvsl3-pnBtnPrev'}).append(btnPrev), index = -1,isAnimate = false ; //method selector.append(pnBtnPrev,pnBtnNext); items.css('perspective','600px'); var effect = function (item, ops) { item.show(); ops.mode == 'show' && item.css('visibility', 'hidden'); var dfPos = item.position(), dfSize = {width: item.width(),height: item.height()}, box = item.clone().css({ 'position': 'absolute','visibility': 'hidden' }).css(dfPos).css(dfSize), opAni = { duration: ops.duration, complete: function () { if (ops.mode == 'show') item.css('visibility', 'visible'); else item.hide(); item.triggerHandler('complete'); box.remove(); }, 'easing': 'easeOutBack' }, atHide = $.extend({}, dfPos), atShow = $.extend({}, dfPos) ; if (ops.fade) { atShow['opacity'] = 1; atHide['opacity'] = 0; } if (ops.transfer) { ops.transfer = $.extend({ top: 0.5, left: 0.5 },ops.transfer); if(Math.abs(ops.transfer.top) > 5){ atHide.top += ops.transfer.top; }else{ var tToTop = ops.transfer.top.length ? $.random(ops.transfer.top[0] * 100, ops.transfer.top[1] * 100) / 100 : ops.transfer.top; atHide.top += dfSize.height * tToTop - dfSize.height/2; } if(Math.abs(ops.transfer.left) > 5){ atHide.left += ops.transfer.left; }else{ var tToLeft = ops.transfer.left.length ? $.random(ops.transfer.left[0] * 100, ops.transfer.left[1] * 100) / 100 : ops.transfer.left; atHide.left += dfSize.width * tToLeft - dfSize.width / 2; } } ops.transformOrigin && box.css('transformOrigin',ops.transformOrigin); $.each({'rotateX':0,'rotateY':0,'rotateZ':0,'scale':1,'translateX':0,'translateY':0},function(index,val){ if(ops[index]){ atShow[index] = val; atHide[index] = ops[index]; } }); var start = function () { item.triggerHandler('start'); ops.mode == 'show' ? (function () { box.show().css(atHide).animate(atShow, opAni); })() : (function () { box.css(atShow).animate(atHide, opAni); item.css('visibility', 'hidden'); })(); box.css('visibility', 'visible'); }, imgs = box.is('img') ? box : box.find('img'), countImg = 0; ; item.parent().prepend(box); imgs.length?imgs.each(function () { this.onload = function () { countImg++; if (countImg >= imgs.length) { start(); } } }):start(); }, start = function (i, mode) { //return; var curent = items.eq(i).show(), img = curent.children('img'), desc = curent.children('.jvsl3-details'), descs = desc.children().show(), count = 0, handle = function(){ count ++; if(count > descs.length){ curent.triggerHandler('complete',[i,mode]); isAnimate = false; } } ; mode == 'show' && descs.css('visibility', 'hidden'); isAnimate = true; descs.one('complete',handle); img.one('complete',handle).one('start',function(){ setTimeout(function () { var index = 0, itv = setInterval(function () { effect(descs.eq(index), $.extend(slide.effects.random(),{duration: 1000,mode: mode})); index++; if (index >= descs.length) clearInterval(itv); }, 200) ; },200); }); effect(img, $.extend(slide.effects.random(),{duration: 1000,mode: mode})); } ; options.auto && (function(){ var isPause = false; selector.hover(function(){ isPause = true; },function(){ isPause = false; }); var handle = function(){ setTimeout(function(){ isPause || This.next(); handle(); }, options.delay); } handle(); })(); options.drag && (function () { var bginPos, curent; items.draggable({ distance: 10, start: function (e, ui) { curent = $(this); if(curent.is(':animated')){ curent.stop(); return; } bginPos = ui.position; }, drag: function (e, ui) { var axis = curent.draggable("option", "axis"); if( axis === 'x' || axis === 'y') return; if (Math.abs(ui.position.top - bginPos.top) > Math.abs(ui.position.left - bginPos.left)) curent.draggable("option", "axis", "y").css('left', bginPos.left); else curent.draggable("option", "axis", "x").css('top', bginPos.top); }, stop: function (e, ui) { if (curent.draggable("option", "axis") === 'y') { var len = ui.position.top - bginPos.top, height = selector.height() ; if (Math.abs(len) > height / 3) { if (len > 0) { curent.animate({ top: height }, 300, function () { curent.hide().css(bginPos); This.next(); }); } else { curent.animate({ top: -height }, 300, function () { curent.hide().css(bginPos); This.prev(); }); } lastVisible = -1; } else curent.animate(bginPos, 300); } else { var len = ui.position.left - bginPos.left, width = selector.width() ; if (Math.abs(len) > width / 3) { if (len > 0) { curent.animate({ left: width }, 300, function () { curent.hide().css(bginPos); This.next(); }); } else { curent.animate({ left: -width }, 300, function () { curent.hide().css(bginPos); This.prev(); }); } lastVisible = -1; } else curent.animate(bginPos, 300); } curent.draggable("option", "axis", "xy"); } }); })(); options.thumb != 'none' && (function () { var thumbs = $('
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